Ten-Step Plan

Ten steps to peace of mind and answered prayer.

Theme Verses: Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And Why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the health of my countenance, and my God. Psalms 42:11

The key to this plan is earnest belief in God’s will for our lives. (see John 11:23-26, 40; Hebrews 11:6; 1 John 5:14; 3 John 1:2).

  • The first requirement is to create quiet (see 1 Kings 19:11, 12). This can be challenging living with other people but not impossible (see Matthew 19:26). It can also be a challenge to deal with internal noise, but this will reduce when the external noises decrease.
    • For each day during the ten step process you must not listen to any secular music, or watch any secular TV (i.e. sitcoms, dramas, reality TV, news, YouTube videos, etc.) and no Facebook or constantly breaking news. If you must watch anything only Scripturally sound sermons may be watched and only two per day. This is important because to hear God’s voice and His direction we cannot have any distractions pulling us in the smallest way away from God (see Psalms 101:3; Isaiah 33:15; Philippians 4:8).
  • The second requirement is to pray. Dedicate each day (or more as required) to one of the 10 commandments, pray to God, not asking for healing but asking for forgiveness. Pray for forgiveness for all the ways you may have, in the past, or are currently, breaking each of His laws.
  • The third requirement is to keep active. Each day ensure that you are engaged in a productive task suited to your capabilities. Keep in communication with God as you work. DO NOT harbour negative thoughts while you work, hum an encouraging hymn or repeat promise verses, to drive away negative thoughts. If you get tired sit rest, pray, read scripture, when you recuperate continue your task until it is complete. Thank God for the strength to complete the task.

Do this for ten-days (at least), probe your life honestly and avoid all ungodly influences. One of the major keys to answered prayer is having all of our sins forgiven (Matthew 9:1-5). The other is unwavering faith that God can and will heal (Hebrews 11:6).

Day Commandment
Step 1Read Number One – Pray about intrusive influences that interfere with God’s place.
Step 2Read Number Two – Pray about things made/done by yourself that have become precious.
Step 3Read Number Three – Pray about ways you misuse or misrepresent God’s name.
Step 4Read Number Four – Pray about being unprepared for or thinking your own things on the Sabbath.
Step 5Read Number Five – Pray about all the ways you have dishonoured parents/elders.
Step 6Read Number Six – Pray about the hateful thoughts and the unhealth activities.
Step 7Read Number Seven – Pray about the impure thoughts and entertainment choices.
Step 8Read Number Eight – Pray about the time and means taken from others selfishly.
Step 9Read Number Nine – Pray about the untruths told by omission and commission.
Step 10Read Number Ten – Pray about envious thoughts that block contentment. (Philippians 4:11)

Believe that you have received God’s forgiveness, make the changes to align your life with God’s perfect precepts. “Go and sin no more…” (John 8:11)

God Bless

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